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It's OK not to believe!
Secular Humanist Society Gibraltar

Some of the best debates & moments caught on film.
Christopher Hitchens vs Shmuley Boteach
'Is there an afterlife' - 2010 A moving debate nearing the end of Hitchens' life.
Bart Ehrman Deastroys Dinesh D'Souza
Theodity debate, Ex-Preacher Ehrman roasts convicted felon D'Souza over coals!
Krauss & Shermer vs Hutchinson & D'Souza
Mike Shermer & Lawrence Krauss in a great debate with audience voting at the end!
Did Jesus Rise Bodily from the Dead? Arif Ahmed vs Gary Habermas 2011
The superb Ricky Gervais goes head to head with Steven Colbert on the Late Late Show
The God Question
A serious question demands a serious answer that is based on solid reasons.
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