It's OK not to believe!
Secular Humanist Society Gibraltar
Press Release #1
Wed, 20 Feb 2013
Name; David Gibbins
Position: Secretary
Organisation: SHSG - Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar
Details: The SHSG would like to publicly announce its formation and formal launch following election of a committee and executive committee.
Aims of the society:
- To promote secular thinking
- Monitor the Government of the day to ensure separation of church and state, to uphold fairness in society and to remove privilege for any specific denomination over any other
- Challenge public statements in favour of restricting freedom of choice or action on theistic grounds
- Promote knowledge of science and evolution
- Encourage a secular approach to education and school life to eliminate sectarianism and devisive behaviour toward all students of all ages on the grounds of religion
- Offer help, advice or assistance to anyone who may feel unable to express a secular view or wish it for their children
- Advise those who wish to leave their church
- Assist all parents who wish to remove their children from the study of religion in schools but not lose out in GCSE attainment
- Organise local debate & discussion on secular issues
- Organise events, tours & events in Gibraltar
The SHSG welcomes all non-religious individuals and will be holding an introductory meeting on Saturday - details are available on their brand new website
" we hope that the S.H.S.G. will be able to make a positive impact in our community as well as providing a platform for others to express their viewpoint and beliefs - we say 'It's OK not to believe' " - Leslie Bruzon
***** Important ground-breaking first announcement: *****
- After a 6-month campaign group secretary, David Gibbins, acting only as a parent, has successfully challenged the status-quo in Gibraltar over GCSE R.E. in secondary schools.
- As of this year, Bayside & Westside comprehensives will be required to place all students opting out of RE for whatever reason in an alternative GCSE class - prior to this new policy, students would take one subject less at GCSE level.
- Although effective immediately, details are still to be finalised but it seems that the new subject will either be 'General Studies' or 'Citizenship'
- David would like to thank The Hon. Gilbert Licudi, minister for education & Mr Darren Grech, Senior Education advisor for their courage and strength of conviction that has allowed this highly progressive step forward and would also like to mention Dr George Garcia of Westside School for his hard work implementing the change.
"This is a giant leap forward for education in Gibraltar & places us at the forefront of balanced teaching, with a fresh & enlightened approach to study that will benefit all students who wish to put religious doctrine in it's rightful place - alongside mythology and legend" - David Gibbins