It's OK not to believe!
Secular Humanist Society Gibraltar

More about the SHSG...
The SHSG was formed in Gibraltar in 2011, with a membership that draws on all sectors of our close-knit community.
This diverse cross-section of individuals ensure we have a balanced and intelligent foundation on which to provide support to those who feel that they wish to explore the scientific world around them free from religious dogma.
We encourage freedom from the stigma that can often be felt when one shows the courage to break free from outdated religious 'teachings' and think independently from any oppressive organised religious straight-jacket.
We aim to provide support for those who wish to follow a secular life, and as we grow, hope to be able to organise meetings, workshops, debates and expositions aimed at broadening the free-thinking of all and with a view to encouraging everyone to question the world around them rather than taking it for granted.
Gibraltar is a vibrant multi-cultural society, with many religions all living and thriving together in a homogeneous community. We at the SHSG believe that possibly the largest section of that community has been, until now, insufficiently catered for and we hope that the advent of a secular society will give a forum to those who have, as yet, never had a formal voice or a platform from which to speak.
There are many facets to our work, from freeing the current education system from the chains of religious dogma, through the pressure brought to bear on families by the religious hierarchy over family matters, to the in-equitable rights afforded to religious groups and leaders that are not offered to other individuals or groups who do not happen to subscribe to certain archaic tenets that simply have no place in a modern and enlightened society.
It's OK not to believe!