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It's OK not to believe!
Secular Humanist Society Gibraltar
More of the best debates & moments caught on film.
The Existence of Nothing. (Awesome)
Neil DeGrasse Tyson chairs, with Richard Gott, Lawrence Krauss, Eve Silverstein, Jim Holt and Charles Seife
Christopher Hitchens v Tony Blair
The Hitch takes out Blair in Toronto in the 4Square debate.
Richard Dawkins
The God Delusion
The Four Horsemen Have a Chat
Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett & Sam Harris, chat for 2 hours informally.
Ricky Gervais
Religion v Atheism
Stephen Fry & friends
on the life, loves and hates of Christopher Hitchens - IQ2 talks
Christopher Hitchens & Richard Dawkins We'd be better off without religion
Karl Pilkington
The Bible
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